List of ambassadors of Turkey to Austria

The Turkish Ambassador to Austria has their residence in Vienna.

Turkish Embassy in Vienna


  • Approach of the Ottoman envoy Yanko Mavroyannis via Josefsplatz on August 6, 1835
    Watercolors drawing of Balthasar Wigand (1771–1846)
    On September 2, 1686 in the Battle of Buda (1686) troops of the Holy League (1684) conquered the fortress of Buda. On September 27, 1688 Jacques Henri de Durfort de Duras besieged the fortress of Philippsburg with 30,000 men and opened the Nine Years' War for Louis XIV of France. Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor was now in a two-front war. fr:Pierre-Antoine de Châteauneuf persuaded Suleiman II to continue the war against Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor. In June 1689 it was decided to set the armistice negotiations with Zülfikar as head of Chancery and Alexander Mavrocordatos as Dragoman.[1]
  • From November 16, 1698 to January 26, 1699 Rami Mehmed Pasha as Reis ül-Küttab and Alexander Mavrocordatos as Dragoman negotiated the Treaty of Karlowitz for the Ottoman Empire. [2]

List of Turkish chiefs of mission to Austria

Name Office Term Heads of Government
Turkey Austria
Mehmet Hamdi Arpağ 1925 1934 Fethi Okyar Rudolf Ramek
Ahmet Cevdet Üstün 1934 1938 Fethi Okyar Kurt Schuschnigg
Relationship was interrupted due to the Anschluss (Germany's annexation of Austria) 1938 1947 Celâl Bayar Arthur Seyß-Inquart
Numan Tahir Seymen 1947 1950 Hasan Saka Leopold Figl
Faik Hüseyin Hozar 1950 1952 Adnan Menderes Leopold Figl
Seyfullah Esin 1952 1954 Adnan Menderes Leopold Figl
Samim İzzet Yemişçibaşı 1954 1961 Adnan Menderes Julius Raab
Baha Vefa Karatay 1961 1964 Emin Fahrettin Özdilek Alfons Gorbach
Seyfi Turagay 1964 1967 İsmet İnönü Josef Klaus
Hasan İstinyeli 1967 1970 Suad Hayri Ürgüplü Josef Klaus
Nurettin Vergin 1970 1971 Suad Hayri Ürgüplü Bruno Kreisky
Hüveyda Mayatepek 1971 1973 Nihat Erim Bruno Kreisky
Daniş Tunalıgil 1973 1975 Mehmet Naim Talu Bruno Kreisky
Asaf İnhan 1975 1976 Süleyman Demirel Bruno Kreisky
Ecmel Barutçu 1979 1983 Süleyman Demirel Bruno Kreisky
Erdem Erner 1983 1989 Turgut Özal Fred Sinowatz
Ayhan Kamel 1989 1993 Yıldırım Akbulut Fred Sinowatz
Filiz Dinçmen 1993 1997 Tansu Çiller Franz Vranitzky
Ömer Akbel 1997 2002 Mesut Yılmaz Viktor Klima
Mithat Balkan 2002 2005 Abdullah Gül Wolfgang Schüssel
Selim Yenel 2006 2009 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Wolfgang Schüssel
Kadri Ecvet Tezcan 2009 2011 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Werner Faymann
Ayşe Sezgin 2011 2013 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Werner Faymann
Hasan Göğüş 2013 2016 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Werner Faymann
Mehmet Ferden Çarıkçı 2017 2019 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Sebastian Kurz
Ümit Yardım 2019 2019 Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Brigitte Bierlein
Ozan Ceyhun 2020 Incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Karl Nehammer

41°16′49″S 174°46′02″E / 41.280185°S 174.767322°E / -41.280185; 174.767322References

  1. ^ Pierre-Antoine de Châteauneuf
  2. ^ [1][2] [3][4]